@Hideto TAKEKIDA and Kenichi NANBU
Weighting Factor for particle modeling of Axisymmetrical Plasmas
JPSJ: journal of physical society of japan Vol 73、No 3 756

Hideto TAKEKIDA and Keinchi NANBU
Particle Modeling of Plasma Confinement by a Multipolar Magnetic Field 
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics   Vol. 37 (2004) 1800

Hideto TAKEKDIA and Kenichi NANBU
Effect of Driving Frequency on the Electron Energy Probability Function
  of Capasitively Coupled Argon Plasmas
-Comparison between Simulation and Experiment-

JJAP: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 43, No. 6A, 2004, 3590

CHideto TAKEKIDA and Kenichi NANBU
Particle modeling of non-collisional heating of
               inductively-coupled argon plasmas

 Thin Solid Films Vol.506-507, 2006, 729-733

DHideto TAKEKIDA and Kenichi NANBU
Three-dimensional particle modeling of plasmas in a reactor with multipolar magnetic field
AIP Conf. Proc. 24th Int. Symp. on Rarefied Gas Dynamics Vol. 762 pp. 1107-1112

EHideto TAKEKIDA and Kenichi NANBU
Particle modeling of inductively-coupled plasmas with wafer biasing
 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 38(2005), pp.3461-3468

Coulomb collisions in material processing plasmas

 Thin Solid Films Vol. 506-507, 2006, pp. 720-723.

GHideto TAKEKIDA and Kenichi NANBU
Effect of multipolar magnetic field on the electron density in a plasma reactor
 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 33, No.2, 344

HHideto TAKEKIDA and Kenichi NANBU
Self-consistent Particle Modeling of Induvtively Coupled CF4 Discharges and Radicals Flow
 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.34, No.3, June 2006, 973-983

IHideto TAKEKIDA and Kenichi NANBU
Self-consistent Particle Modeling of Induvtively-coupled CF4 Discharges
  -Effect of wafer biasing-

JJAP: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics No.45 3A pp.1805-1818.